LEXIT is listing on BitMart!

After launching on PancakeSwap, LEXIT is excited to share the details of our next major listing: BitMart

3 min readMay 27, 2021

Following our launch on PancakeSwap, and our token/ liquidity lock (expanded on later in this article!) the entire LEXIT team is excited to announce our upcoming listing on BitMart.

LEXIT and our $LEXi coin will be listed on BitMart for trading at 10am EDT, tomorrow (28 May 2021).

Withdrawals for $LEXi on BitMart will be opened 24 hours following this, at 10am EDT on 29 May 2021.

Users of BitMart are able to use the deposit feature right now, as of 10am EDT on 27 May 2021.

Trading Pairs:

The following trading pairs will be available:




The BitMart exchange can be accessed here: https://www.bitmart.com

Locked liquidity and tokens

After launching on PancakeSwap yesterday evening (official listing at: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x41A95f152e50FfFd7184d9388956a2D0B8756BA9) LEXIT is excited to announce the locking of 10 million LEXi tokens and our LP tokens have been locked for a year.

By locking the LP (liquidity) tokens for 1 year, LEXIT is committed to the longevity of the $LEXi token and the community around it. This locked liquidity acts as a baseline for the project valuation and is a solid platform to build upon as we move forwards with innovative products, services, and more.

You can view the locked liquidity here: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x97dc1817e3d65d42db45bb30446e55996a1cd80476a3e8840bda9e9ff176b54a

Our locking of 10 million $LEXi tokens slashes our circulating supply and removes unnecessary tokens from circulation until they are immediately required for products, services, and programmes being launched in the near future.

You can view the locked 10m tokens here: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x1be27647f04b949c30b09459710cff1564fa97cebcd0fda9c2a4d21ab73cad5d

Both of these significant locks act as evidence of our continued commitment to LEXIT, the people within it, and the innovation we are about to drive through the DeFi and NFT sectors. With the BitMart listing tomorrow, LEXIT NFT Launchpad, LEXNET, and so much more on the horizon, the future for LEXIT has never been more exciting.

Thank you for your patience and hype – it doesn’t go unnoticed!

New Support Group

As a symbol of our ongoing commitment to support our followers, we have opened a new community support group on Telegram, ready to field technical and specific support queries and questions.

This group can be accessed at: https://t.me/LEXIT_Support

Our developers and admins will be on hand to best support our supporters around the clock, and we’re excited to provide our signature ‘LEXIT touch’ to more people than ever before!

Official PancakeSwap listing: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x41A95f152e50FfFd7184d9388956a2D0B8756BA9

LEXIT website: https://Lexit.com

Official LEXIT Telegram: https://t.me/LEXITco

LEXIT Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexitco?s=21

